The Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute is a non-profit think-tank organization that mobilizes and receives funding from diverse donor bases, in collaboration with allies and partners, to shape solutions to ocean challenges
The Institute generates funds through a broad range of sources including consultancy services, grants, solicitations, competitive bids and services to partners. These funds may be payable on an annual basis or over a period of time, or be given as one-time payment for service rendered. The Institute leverages on its worldwide engagement approaches to develop practical solutions for today’s most pressing maritime issues that are in line with its mission. By building consensus and mobilizing durable partnerships, we transform ideas into actions.
GoGMIは、ガーナで設立された非営利団体です。これは、ギニア湾地域に影響を与える戦略的海事に関する相互作用、アイデアの共有、研究を行うための海事戦略思想家、実務家、同盟国のための「シンクタンク」を構成します。インスティテュートのコアビジネスは、ガーナおよびギニア湾の海事空間全体の安全性、セキュリティ、環境の分野における戦略的な海事研究、コンサルティング、およびアドボカシーです。 GoGMIの主な目的は、認識された研究を生み出し、先住民の視点から解決策を提供することです。これにより、地域の意見や関心が過小評価されている地域の海事研究における現在の不均衡に対処します。
The Institute maintains a consistent disclosure policy and will acknowledge publicly the source of the funding.
Intellectual Ownership
The Institute requires all sponsors to agree to the Institute maintaining intellectual ownership of our work, including any product(s) resulting from the project.
Diversity and Inclusion
The Institute—through each of its projects—endeavors to take into account a range of views and participants.